Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Foods That Can Be Poisonous To Dogs

Many of the foods found in your home can be poisonous to dogs. We all love our pets and we want to share with them. Some of us are more tempted than others to share our food with our dogs. Even if you do not feed your dogs table scraps they may have ways of finding and indulging in human food themselves. Sometimes it is as simple as waiting at our feet for something to slip through the hole in our lip. Other times, dogs can be quite clever. They may jump up onto the counter, raid the cabinets, or sneak something from the refrigerator right behind your back. I will not go into the details of training your dog to be more well-mannered, but I will address here some of the most common foods that can be poisonous to dogs. 

Chocolate: This is probably the most common food that we have all heard not to feed our dogs. Well, that is because it is true. Chocolate contains theobromine that can cause vomiting or even death. The darker the chocolate the more dangerous. And, as with most items, the size of the dog is a key factor. Smaller dogs are more at risk for toxicity.

Alcohol and Yeast Dough: This one should go without saying as alcohol can be toxic to people as well. So, needless to say, do not share your beer with your dog. Yeast dough also produces ethanol, which is found in alcohol. The effects are similar.

Avocado: This is a food you probably would not suspect, but avocados contain a substance called persin that can be poisonous to dogs causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Caffeinated Items: Caffeine has the same effect as chocolate on dogs. It can damage the heart, lungs, kidneys, and central nervous system.

Fruit Seeds and Pits: While some fruits can be good for your dog the seeds and pits are not. Apple seeds and Cherry, Peach, and Plum pits all contain cyanide. 

Grapes and Raisins: Although your dog may find great joy in playing with these little balls of fruit, they may be toxic even in small doses and can cause kidney failure.

Macadamia Nuts: These can cause symptoms such as vomiting, overheating, and weakness.

Mushrooms: Particularly mushrooms of the Amanita species can be fatal if eaten.

Onions, Chives, Garlic: These  items can cause a type of anemia in dogs that results in the loss of red blood cells and  kidney damage.

Raw Fish: Eating this can result in a vitamin B deficiency which may cause loss of appetite, seizures, and death.

Xylitol: This is an artificial sweetener that is found in candies. It can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar 
resulting in weakness, seizures, and sometimes liver failure.

If you suspect your dog has eaten any of these foods watch him closely. You may need to take a trip to the vet. The typical symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, loss of appetite, rapid heart rate, increased body temperature, and seizures. If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms contact your veterinarian immediately. You may also want to consult the ASPCA Poison Control Center. Do not delay or hesitate in the case of toxicity. Although symptoms may take hours or days to show, serious consequences can occur immediately after. These foods that are poisonous to dogs should not be taken lightly. Keep close watch of your beloved pet at all times and do not put him at unnecessary risk.

1 comment:

  1. Pets are actually the weakness of the owner because of the deep love and the loyalty of the animals towards their owners thanks
